
Astro speak

Aries 21 Mar-19 Apr You naturally assume you're ready for nearly anything but you might have some lingering doubts today, even after you say yes to an intriguing offer. Perhaps your uncertainty stems from being acutely aware of the consequences of your actions.   taurus 20 Apr-20 May You might have to shift your attention to an unfolding domestic drama now that the Moon is visiting your 4th House
of Home and Family. You may be so busy at work lately that you're not spending sufficient quality time with your loved ones.   gemini 21 May-20 Jun Your unrealistic expectations about your schedule, encourage you to think that you can take time for your own pleasure today. But it's easy to set yourself up for failure now by wanting too much.   cancer 21 Jun-22 Jul Demonstrating your love with tenderness is usually easier than making grandiose gestures. But you could do things differently today, snagging someone's attention by overplaying your part in a drama.   leo 23 Jul-22 Aug Avoid the temptation to express yourself in a melodramatic way today because you could shock others if you go too far.   virgo 23 Aug-22 Sep You might experience an exciting epiphany today that empowers you to break free from an old pattern at work.   libra 23 Sep-22 Oct Making the most of your time today is the most meaningful gift you can give to yourself and others. Be courageous; stepping into your leadership role and setting a good example are the smartest ways to give your coworkers an inkling of what they can do.   scorpio 23 Oct-21 Nov Your need for peace and quiet comes and goes in waves today, but you can't justify an escape until you meet your previous obligations.   sagittarius22 Nov-21 Dec Although you technically agree that rules are necessary to maintain order, it's still fun to dream far beyond the accepted norm.   capricorn 22 Dec-19 Jan You want to demonstrate how intuitive you are now and might go out of your way just to let others see you in action.   aquarius 20 Jan-18 Feb You are short on patience now, especially with those who want your attention so badly today that they do a song and dance to get it.   pisces 19 Feb-20 Mar You have a lot on your plate today, but your coworkers might not be aware of your strong commitment to get things done.


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