
Tomb of Khan Jahan

The second important monument of Khalifatabad is the single domed mausoleum of Khan Jahan (Pl.23) located on the northern embankment of a large tank locally known as Thakur dighi. It is about 2km east-southeast of Sixty Dome Mosque.
The tomb is a square building measuring 13.70 meter each side. At the base of the brick wall 5 courses of black Stones have been used. There is an arched entrance in the middle of each side of which the northern one is now closed. The corner towers are faceted at regular intervals with seven brick moldings and crowned with ribbed cupolas. The walls are 2.5 meter thick. Each wall is relieved with two multi cusped arched niches.
The tomb accommodates a stone built sarcophagus in the middle of the floor and actual, grave underneath. The floor was richly embellished with colored glazed tiles which are now missing.
The sarcophagus is profusely engraved with the verses from the holy Quran, Persian expressions and date (27 Zilhaz, 863 AH [24-25 October 1459 AD]) of the demise of the saint Khan-ul-Azam Ulugh Khan-i-Jahan by title. The walls of the crypt, which is now closed, are also full with inscriptions. An attempt to decipher those inscriptions may help to get the Khan Jahan’s identity and also to reconstruct the history of the region.
On the close west of this tomb there is another stone sarcophagus known as Peer Alt Taheerer Majar who was close associate of Khan Jahan. Further west there is an identical but smaller single domed mosque.
The tomb is enclosed by an inner and outer compound. The inner boundary wall accommodates three gateways, one in each side except north. The main gateway in the west is now closed. The outer enclosure has six entrances in it.


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